In the video, shop manager Cherise Bonanno says: "What better way to remember 9/11 than with a Twin Tower sale?
"Right now you can get any sized mattress for a twin price. Full mattress? Twin price. Queen mattress? Twin price. King mattress? Twin price. Store-wide sale all day long."
She then knocks over her two colleagues who collapse two stacks of mattresses that appear to be makeshift models of the WTC Twin Towers.
Jason Lazar, a volunteer firefighter from New York commented on Bonanno's apology on Facebook saying: "I have been working for the department for 8 years and a volunteer firefighter for 20. I am truly horrified.
"You have hurt many, many people in NYC. Many of my fellow coworkers have scene [sic] it and are absolutely heart broken. Myself included.
"All of us suffered in some way. I lost a number of friends. I still suffer to this day."