
How to show solidarity with Gaza and Palestine this Ramadan
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This Ramadan, it's important to keep Gaza in our thoughts and prayers. From charity to fashion, here are 9 ways to support and show solidarity to Palestine.
Ramadan 2024
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This month Muslims across the world will begin fasting for Ramadan and now scientists are agreeing that fasting can help prevent many health problems.
Support these 7 Palestinian date brands this Ramadan: Where to buy, how to support
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With the ethical purchase of Palestinian dates a topic on everyone’s mind, The New Arab has researched where to buy yours for Ramadan.
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World Hijab Day takes place globally to educate & spread awareness of why it is worn. Mariah Idrissi celebrates the diversity of hijab styles by different women
Ahvaz, Iran's city of bridges
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Capital of Khuzestan in Iran, Ahvaz has the most bridges in the Middle East and enjoys a history of peacemaking, living up to its bridge-building reputation.
Meeting Suada Mohamoud, founder of the Muslim Women Awards
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The New Arab Meets: Trailblazing Muslim Women Awards founder Suada Mohamoud, following the third consecutive year of the awards ceremony to talk about its birth, cultivating community spirit, and the importance of representation.

Gaza's schools teach how-to guide to protect scared children
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Gaza's education system has come to a standstill. In previous Israeli aggressions, teachers were able to comfort their class with psychological support and guidelines. However, this time, constant communication blackouts are causing untold trauma.
11 fashion & beauty brands that support the Palestinian cause
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Finding pro-Palestinian, BDS-friendly brands can be difficult, so we've teamed up with model Mariah Idrissi to list some of our favourite labels to support.
How French colonial advertising shaped the image of Tunisia
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Colonial France marketed Tunisia as an exotic and backwards destination, depicting the locals as lazy and unmodern. The Tunisian tourism office then adopted these motifs until a wave of Tunisian artists decided to reclaim their cultural identity.
La Marsa, Tunisia's coastal gem: Where to shop, eat, sleep
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Planning a visit to Tunisia? Consider the 30-minute drive from Tunis to La Marsa, a beautiful coastal city that boasts breathtaking beaches and striking architecture. The New Arab has profiled the city and listed the places to eat, sleep, and shop.