Israeli forces kill three Palestinians in West Bank raid

Israeli forces kill three Palestinians in West Bank raid
The three men were killed early Thursday when Israeli special forces, dressed in civilian clothing, attempted to detain Palestinians outside the headquarters of the PA Military Intelligence unit in Jenin.
2 min read
10 June, 2021
The Palestinian presidency condemned the Israeli operation in Jenin, with spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeina calling it a 'violation of international law' [AFP via Getty]

Three Palestinians were killed early Thursday by Israeli special forces who were on an arrest mission in the northern West Bank, sources on both sides said.

One of the Palestinians killed was suspected of having carried out a shooting attack against Israeli soldiers, an Israeli security official said.

The other two were members of the Palestinian Authority security forces who witnessed the initial shooting outside the headquarters of the Palestinian Authority (PA) Military Intelligence unit in Jenin.

All three were killed when Israeli special forces, dressed in civilian clothing, attempted to detain Palestinians outside the headquarters, Palestinian WAFA news agency reported.

The Palestinian presidency condemned the Israeli operation, with spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeina calling it a "violation of international law" that would bring a "dangerous escalation" in remarks carried by WAFA.

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An Israeli security official told AFP that special forces were seeking to arrest two individuals suspected of carrying out a "shooting attack".

"One Palestinian who opened fire on the forces was shot dead," he said. The Palestinian health ministry identified him as Jamil al-Amuri.

According to the Israeli official, after the initial incident, Palestinians at the scene "opened fire on the Israeli forces," and in an ensuing exchange, "two additional Palestinians were killed."

Palestinian security officials identified the two as members of the Palestinian Authority's military intelligence department, Adham Eleiwi and Taysir Issa.

No Israeli forces were wounded in the incident, the Israeli official told AFP.

A second Israeli security official who spoke to AFP alleged that Amuri was a member of the Islamic Jihad militant group who was suspected of carrying out shooting attacks targeting Israeli soldiers in recent months.

Another Islamic Jihad member suspected of taking part in the attacks, Wissam Abu Zeid, was wounded in the same incident, the Israeli official said.

Israeli forces frequently carry out arrest raids in the occupied West Bank. On May 25, Israeli forces killed a Palestinian during one such raid near Ramallah.

Agencies contributed to this report.