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Shareefa Energy

Shareefa Energy

Shareefa Energy

Shareefa Energy is a working-class poet, writer, activist and creative campaigner. She was the Youth and Community Coordinator for stop and search in London from 2016-17. She has supported the United Friends and Families Campaign in various capacities since 2011, including supporting family led justice campaigns the Mark Duggan Campaign, the Justice for Smiley Culture campaign, amongst others. She campaigns to demand justice for Grenfell and has supported the Level Up campaign to demand an end to sentencing pregnant women to prison. She is also a long-term supporter of the Palestinian struggle for liberation and justice.

The UK's absurd criminalisation of 'coconut' is reflective of a state more concerned with policing minorities than ceasing genocide, writes Shareefa Energy.

02 July, 2024

Met police officers suing for trauma over the Grenfell fire is a slap in the face to those who are still fighting for justice, writes Shareefa Energy.

21 March, 2024

For Grenfell witnesses, Israel's war on Gaza is a reminder of British complicity in state-sanctioned death from Kensington to Palestine, writes Shareefa Energy.

15 December, 2023

Faced with draconian new protest laws and police violence, Palestine Action and the local Leicester community remain committed to fighting the Israeli occupation and ending British complicity, 75 years after the Nakba, writes Shareefa Energy.

10 May, 2023

The Grenfell inquiry has ended, but more work is needed to bring justice for the victims, survivors and families, and to prevent another disaster from dangerous housing policies across the UK, writes Shareefa Energy.

11 January, 2023

The appropriation of symbols of the Black community's fight for racial justice by other movements is not only a misguided attempt at solidarity, it is deeply insensitive to the particularities of the Black struggle, writes Shareefa Energy.

16 November, 2022

Hip hop artist Lowkey’s unapologetic support for Palestine has made him the target of pro-Israel efforts to censor him on Spotify, now activists must show the same defiance to stop it, writes Shareefa Energy.

06 April, 2022