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Emad Moussa

Emad Moussa


Dr Emad Moussa is a Palestinian-British researcher and writer specialising in the political psychology of intergroup and conflict dynamics, focusing on MENA with a special interest in Israel/Palestine. He has a background in human rights and journalism, and is currently a frequent contributor to multiple academic and media outlets, in addition to being a consultant for a US-based think tank.

Twenty-three years on, Emad Moussa argues that the Second Palestinian Intifada transformed the nature of the Israeli occupation, escalating violence and war-like tactics, entrenching a regime of control, and co-opting Palestinian leadership.

27 September, 2023

It's been 18 years since Israel withdrew its soldiers & settlers from the Gaza Strip. Any hope this offered was quickly quashed when it became clear that the occupying state sought to further isolate & oppress Palestinians there, writes Emad Moussa.

08 September, 2023

Despite the recent death of Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin, who previously led a mutiny against Putin, the mercenary group is unlikely to go anywhere. It will continue to serve Russia's interests, especially in Africa and Syria, argues Emad Moussa.

01 September, 2023

In the film, Oppenheimer is morally rehabilitated as a hero who supposedly advocated for nuclear peace. But by helping develop Israel's nuclear programme, he set off a chain reaction of regional proliferation, writes Emad Moussa.

10 August, 2023

Whilst oil & gas companies are certainly leading factors in climate change and record-breaking high temperatures this summer, people should not sit and wait for governments to save them, they must act now, argues Emad Moussa.

01 August, 2023

The infamous photo of Zelenskyy standing alone during the NATO summit in Lithuania has put into question Ukraine’s hopes for NATO membership. Emad Moussa argues that the security risks for doing so are deemed too high for member states.

27 July, 2023

After a recent offensive on Jenin refugee camp, Israel continues to justify its actions through propaganda & criminalising Palestinians. But Palestinians exercising self-defence is not terrorism, they have a right to resist, argues Emad Moussa.

12 July, 2023

In-depth: After years of growing tensions, Israeli policies targeting the Druze community have sparked a mobilisation for equal rights.

29 June, 2023

From Syria to Libya to Sudan, Wagner's rebellion against the Kremlin has reverberated across the Middle East and Africa, where the paramilitary group made a name for itself, writes Emad Moussa. Could this weaken Russia's hand in the region?

28 June, 2023

Artificial intelligence has become the latest frontier of Israel's security apparatus, taking the occupation virtual. New draconian technologies will intensify the oppression and apartheid that Palestinians face, writes Emad Moussa.

22 June, 2023