White House

White House

Biden has offered Netanyahu "unlimited" support in his war on Gaza [Getty]
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US President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are set to meet in Washington on 22 July.

The New Arab Staff
15 July, 2024
Jewish elders chain themselves to the White House gate in protest of Israel's war in Gaza. [Photo courtesy of Jewish Voice for Peace]
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Activists are staging a five-day hunger strike in front of the White House in support of a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. [Photo by Eman Mohammed]
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Protester leads chant while others sit in front of the White House during national march for Palestine in Washington, DC on 4 November. [Laura Albast for The New Arab]
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Progressive Jews lead a march to the White House to advocate for Gazan civilians. [Brooke Anderson/The New Arab]
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Palestinian groups, allies, and community members march from the White House to the State Department on Sunday, 8 October, 2023 rallying in support of Palestinian resistance. [Laura Albast for The New Arab]
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Lisa Johnson
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