Popular Mobilisation Forces

Popular Mobilisation Forces

pmf hashd al-shaabi
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Iraqi officials have said the large explosion at a military base belonging to the pro-Iran Hashd al-Shaabi forces was caused by stored ammunition.

The New Arab Staff & Agencies
23 April, 2024
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Iraqi Popular Mobilisation Forces members.
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Iraq police -- AFP
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Members of Iraq's PMF march in a symbolic funerary parade in Baghdad on 29 June, 2021, in remembrance of those killed in a recent US raid. [Getty]
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UN Special Envoy to Iraq Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert
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Militia supporters have previously clashed with security forces near the Green Zone [Getty]
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Pro-PMF demonstrators gathered for more protests in Baghdad [Getty]
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Pro-Iran protesters have called election results a "fraud" [Getty]
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Votes are being counted by hand in Baghdad [Getty]
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Iraq's election commission has announced revisions to its initial results, which militias called "fabricated" [Getty]
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