Iran nuclear accord

Iran nuclear accord

Iran deal
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David Barnea, the head of Israel's national intelligence agency, said the US reaching a nuclear deal with Iran is 'very bad for Israel' and a 'strategic

The New Arab Staff
27 August, 2022
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Iran flag - AFP
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Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said Iran's negotiations with European powers and China would "recommence very soon" [Getty]
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Global powers are concerned about Iran's nuclear proliferation progress [Getty]
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US State Department spokesperson Ned Price said Washington was not setting a deadline for the talks [Getty]
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Iran nuclear
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joe biden
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Anti-war activist protest in front of the White House [Getty]
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Talks have resumed in Vienna [Getty]
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Vladimir Putin [GETTY]
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Iran has got its voting rights back [Getty]
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 A fierce blaze broke out at a refinery in southern Tehran after a liquefied gas line leaked and exploded [Getty]
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Iranian President Hassan Rouhani [GETTY]
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