COP28 in Dubai: Last chance for climate action?

Welcome to The New Arab's special coverage of COP28, which is being held this year in Dubai. The summit occurs at a critical juncture after a year of record-breaking temperatures and extreme weather events. The situation's urgency has led activists to urge governments to take decisive action to tackle climate change. Despite the pressing need to address the climate emergency, the conference faces several challenges.

The UAE presidency has set four key themes for the summit: energy transition, climate finance, climate resilience, and inclusivity. Two contentious debates - phasing out fossil fuels and a Loss and Damage Fund for poorer nations - are expected to dominate the agenda.

Yet the UAE's decision to host the conference has drawn criticism from climate activists, who point to the Gulf nation’s environmental and human rights record. The UAE is one of the top 10 oil-producing countries in the world and has faced criticism for not being more vigorous in phasing out fossil fuels. COP28 is presided over by Sultan Al Jaber, the head of the UAE’s state-owned oil company Adnoc and former head of the country’s renewable energy firm Masdar. 

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