
For Muslims around the world, this year's Eid celebration will be bitter as Israel continues to starve millions of Palestinians in Gaza, writes Omar Shabana.
Freezing a Jewish anti-Zionist group's bank account echoes Nazi policies and shows the extent of Germany's support Israel's war on Gaza, writes Timo Al-Farooq.
Morocco's reformed Moudawana could give women hard-fought legal protections, but fierce opposition shows that challenges lay ahead, writes Yasmina Benslimane.
Palestinians hoping to leave Gaza have always been at the mercy of Israel and Egypt. Today, escaping Israel's war is almost impossible, writes Hamza M.
Banning TikTok won't fix privacy issues but will set a dangerous precedent for free speech as more Americans are exposed to realities in Gaza, writes Eric Sype.
Biden's failure to reign in Israel is costing him votes as he faces Trump. Richard Silverstein asks: could his foreign policy in Gaza decide the election?
Germany's support for Israel and fierce anti-Palestinianism have scared many into silence. But Gaza is slowly turning the tide, writes Dima Hamdan.
Israeli bombs instead of calls to prayer. Ghost towns instead of busy markets. Grief instead of joy. Palestinians mourn the Gaza we lost, writes Ahmed Alsammak.
Israel's war threatens the world's oldest Christian community. But Western powers who pay lip service to religious minorities are silent, writes Khalil Sayegh.
As the world acts as silent spectators to Israel's war, it's not just Palestinians who are dying in Gaza, it's also humanity's moral compass, writes Dina Khadr.