Canadian citizen on hunger strike in UAE prison

Canadian citizen on hunger strike in UAE prison
Blog: Following more than a year's detention in the UAE, Salim Alaradi has started refusing food in protest against his ongoing incarceration.
2 min read
03 Dec, 2015
Salim al-Aradi, a Libyan-Canadian citizen, has gone on hunger strike, after being detained for more than a year in the UAE, Canadian officials have confirmed. 

Alaradi told Canadian authorities that he had recently met with a UAE general lawyer who informed him that there were no accusations against him and his file had been closed.  

His case has reportedly been transferred to the prosecutor-general's office, which will decide either to release him or take further action against him.

Marwa's video message to the Prime Minister's office in Canada 
Alaradi's family fears for his health, as his medical situation is only likely to be further exacerbated by his refusal of food.

Relatives have urged Canadian authorities to use this "window of an opportunity" to intervene and call on the UAE government to immediately release him.

"I am extremely concerned about my father's health and the impacts of this hunger strike. But the news of his visit with the general lawyer is positive," said Marwa, Salim Alaradi's eldest daughter. 

"It is the first time there has been sign of a legal process. The information that my father's file has nothing against him is only further confirmation of what international lawyers, human rights organisations, Canadian authorities and I have been saying."  

Last week, Marwa emailed every Canadian member of parliament to make them aware that a citizen was being detained in the UAE. She hoped her father's case will become a priority for parliament when it resumes this week.

"After 461 days of arbitrary detainment with no charge, the international community - led by Canada - should be calling on the UAE to halt the unlawful detainment of Salim and others", read a press statement by the international campaign for freedom in the UAE. 

Marwa added: "I am hoping the UAE authorities show good will and immediately reunite my father with us in Canada."