Yemeni toddler at centre of Trump's 'Muslim ban' lawsuit passes away
The two-year-old son of a Yemeni woman who sued the Trump administration to let her into the US to be with her ailing child has died, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) announced on Saturday.
Abdullah Hassan died in UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital in the West Coast city of Oakland, where his father Ali Hassan brought him in the fall to get treatment for a genetic brain disorder.
His funeral is scheduled for Saturday.
Abdullah's mother, Shaima Swileh, had been trying to get a US visa since 2017, however was forced to remain in Egypt while waiting.
Swileh, originally from Yemen, was prevented from travelling to the US due to President Donald Trump's executive order banning visas for citizens of several Muslim-majority countries.
When Abdullah's health worsened, his father went ahead to California in October to get their son help. Doctors put Abdullah on life support while the couple fought for a visa waiver for his mother.
Hassan began losing hope and was considering pulling his son off life support to end his suffering, however a hospital social worker reached out to the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which sued on the Trump administration on 16 December.
The State Department granted Swileh a waiver the next day and held her son for the first time in the hospital on 19 December.