Women should 'support husbands' football teams to avoid tensions', Saudi marriage counsellor says

Saudi marriage counsellor Basma Jumaa said women must support their husband's football team to harmonise their marriage.
2 min read
25 January, 2021
Basma Jumaa has called for women to save their marriage by being 'flexible' [Twitter]
Women should support the same football teams as their husbands in order to avoid tensions in their homes, a Saudi marriage counsellor has "advised".

In an interview with the "Al-Rased" TV programme on the Saudi Arabia's Al-Akhbariya, Basma Jumaa called on couples to have greater flexibility when dealing with their marriages, including with the beautiful game. 

"You cannot expect to do the same thing and have different results each time," she said adding that "flexible people find a solution in every problem and stubborn people find a problem in every solution". 

As a result, wives have a duty to exercise this flexibility by supporting the same football team their husbands support, Jumaa explained.

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"Wives must try to share with their husbands some of their interests, such as supporting his football club and celebrating with him if the team wins. It is okay to memorise the names of a number of players and wear the favourite team's shirt," she said. 

Jumaa then went to explain that flexibility goes beyond supporting a husband's football team and be more understanding when her husband leaves the house. 

"It better for the wife to take advantage of this time, as she certainly has things that can be accomplished when the husband is away from home."

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