Watchdog urges Turkey to release well-known Syrian media-activist
Jarrah, who is well-known for his independent reporting on Syria, was detained by Turkish authorities on Wednesday while applying for a residence permit in the Turkish city of Gaziantep.
Reasons for the detention of the Syrian journalist were unknown but he was questioned about his work in the media, a source told the CPJ.
"Syrian journalists like Jarrah, who have turned to Turkey for safe refuge, should be protected rather than subjected to detention and harassment." CPJ coordinator Nina Ognianova said on Friday.
Jarrah co-founded the independent citizen journalist group, ANA Press, providing footage and reports into the daily lives of Syrian civilians in rebel-held zones to international media.
He recently spoke to The New Arab on links between al-Nusra Front and Islamic State group in Syria.
The Syrian journalist left Aleppo in January after the city was subjected to heavy bombardment by Russian forces.
Jarrah was invited by Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the presidential palace, where he posted pictures from the event in January.
The Turkish authorities are yet to comment on his detention.