Rockets fired from Gaza into Israel

Rockets fired from Gaza into Israel
No casualties have been reported after two rockets were reportedly fired from the Gaza Strip into southern Israel on Sunday night.
1 min read
17 December, 2017
Israeli airstrikes have hit the coastal enclave in recent days [Getty]
Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired two rockets at southern Israel on Sunday night, the Israeli army said in a statement without giving further details.

The state-owned Kan 11 TV said nobody was injured, despite one of the rockets apparently hitting a house.

On Wednesday, Israel's Iron Dome missile defence system intercepted two rockets fired from Gaza while a third came down inside Israeli territory.

Early on Thursday, Israeli aircraft had hit three "military facilities" in Gaza.

Rockets and mortar rounds have been fired into Israel from Gaza since US President Donald Trump's deeply controversial announcement that Washington would recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

The announcement, which broke with decades of US convention on the matter, was followed by protests across the world and in the Palestinian territories.

Six Gazans have been killed since the announcement, including four in clashes with Israeli forces along the border and two Hamas militants in an Israeli air strike.