Police kill two "anti coup activists" in Fayoum

Police kill two "anti coup activists" in Fayoum
Two known anti-coup activists were killed by police officers in Fayoum, Egypt.
1 min read
28 August, 2015
Egyptians demonstrate on the coup anniversary [Anadolu]
Egyptian police killed two men known to be active in the "anti-coup alliance" in the Egyptian governorate of Fayoum on Friday morning, Al-Araby Arabic section reported.  

Eye witnesses said that police officers and recruits had surrounded a farm in the town of Tamia since Thursday night, before killing Mohamed Abdullah Khamis and Salem Sayed.

However, Fayoum security chief Nasser al-Abed told local media that the security forces had managed to kill two "terrorists" in Tamia on Friday morning, adding that the security forces initiated gunfire.

Earlier this month Egyptian security forces killed five members of the Muslim Brotherhood in a village in Egypt’s south-western province of Fayoum.

The police also claimed the five men were terrorists who had be killed in an exchange of fire.

Faymoum, south-west of Cairo, has also been experiencing skirmishes between militants and security forces.

Explosions targetted security institutions in the first two weeks of August, and last week three military conscripts were injured in the resulting security crackdown.  

The killings may follow the pattern of what has been described as "extra-judicial executions" in Egypt, with the Arab Organization for Human Rights reporting that eighteen have been killed by Egyptian security forces in similar circumstances so far this year.