Officials report Jordan oil spill in Red Sea
Officials report Jordan oil spill in Red Sea
Officials have reported that oil has spilled from Jordan into the Gulf of Aqaba, but the size of the leak remains unclear.
1 min read
Jordan has notified Israel of a pipeline leak in the Red Sea that has reportedly dumped 200 tonnes of crude oil near the port of Eilat, officials said on Tuesday.
Jordan's civil defence chief at the Aqaba port told a local news site that the leak was brought under control within 15 minutes, but did not say much oil had spilled.
Meanwhile an Israeli foreign ministry spokesman said that his country was "informed of this leak and remains in contact with the Jordanians while standing ready to provide assistance in equipment and personnel."
Israeli Environment Minister Zeev Elkin told Army Radio from the Israeli resort of Eilat, across the gulf from Aqaba, that it appears currents were sending the oil toward Saudi Arabia.