Mosque in Lebanon accidentally blasts pop song

A song by Lebanese pop singer Nawal Al-Zoghbi was blasted from a mosque in Nabatieh after a mishap with the loudspeakers.
1 min read
02 September, 2020
The loudspeakers are often used to [Screengrab]

Residents in a town in Lebanon's south were left bemused this week after a local mosque accidentally blasted a popular Arabic song from its loudspeakers, usually used for the call to prayer, according to a viral video.

Numairiyah Mosque in Nabatieh accidentally broadcast a song by Lebanese singer Nawal Al-Zoghbi when it tried connecting its loadspeakers to a radio station for a speech by Lebanese Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, whose Amal party has strong support in the area.

After a video of the incident made the rounds on social media, the mosque's administration released a statement explaining that the broadcast had happened by mistake.

The speech was broadcast from the mosque to allow locals to listen to the parliamentary speaker from their homes and ensure adherance to coronavirus regulations.

It ended with the pop song being played after the person in charge left the mosque to attend to some errands, the administration said.

While he was gone, the speech ended and the radio returned to its standard programme of pop music.

The statement also said an investigation was being launched to track down the video's source.

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