Mohammad officially the most popular boys' name in Israel
Israeli authorities have announced the most popular baby names in the Jewish state for this year with the boys' name Mohammad coming out on top.
The Israeli Population and Immigration Authority made the announcement in a statement on Tuesday, Israeli news website Ynet reported.
According to a translation by Palestinian-Israeli news website Arab48, the report listed the top ten most common names for boys and girls that were given to the 168,441 children born over the past 12 months.
"Mohammad, Yossef, Ariel, Omer, Adam, David, Daniel, Lavi, Eitan, Uri," the list for the most common boys' names reads.
"Tamar, Avigail, Miriam, Sara, Adel, Yael, Noa, Shira, Noya, Lia," the girls' list reads.
The authority also published lists for the most common Jewish names, excluding Arabic-language names such as Mohammad.
This is the fifth year in a row that the name of the Muslim prophet has been the most popular in Israel. The name is likely the most common given name in the world.
US President Donald Trump reportedly said recently that Israel's prime minister will be called Mohammad in a few years if a one-state policy is implemented.
Palestinian citizens account for some 17.5 percent of Israel's more than eight million population.
The minority has long complained of institutionalised discrimination.
In 2013, Israeli daily Haaretz accused authorities of trying to cover up that Mohammad was the most popular baby name by omitting names with clear Arab origins from the official list.
Israel recently passed a controversial law that defines the country as the nation-state of the Jewish people.
The international community has condemned the Nation-State Law as perpetuating racial discrimination against Palestinians.