How long, Lord? Lebanon's Fairouz releases song honouring victims of Israeli massacres in Gaza
One of the Arab world's most beloved singers has released a song to express solidarity for the recent victims of Israeli massacres of Palestinian protesters in the Gaza Strip.
Fairouz released the sombre hymn "How long, Lord?" on Sunday, garnering praise from commentators across social media.
"How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?" go the lyrics of the psalm.
"How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me?"
The 82-year-old Christian Lebanese singer chants the hymn to dramatic pictures of protests in Gaza. The video was released on YouTube by her daughter Rima Rahbany.
Israeli forces killed at least 62 Palestinians last Monday, when thousands protested as the US officially moved its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
Since March 30, Palestinians have been marching to demand the right to return to their homes in territory seized by Israel in the 1948 war surrounding the creation of the Jewish state.
Israeli troops have shot dead a total of 119 Palestinians on the border between the Gaza Strip and the Jewish State. No Israelis have been killed during the protests.
On Friday, the UN Human Rights Council voted to send a team of international war crimes investigators to probe the deadly shootings.
This is not the first time Fairouz has championed the Palestinian cause with her music.
One of her most popular songs "The Flower of Cities" is about the Israeli occupation of Jerusalem.