A Lebanese psychic who 'foresaw' coronavirus in 2019 returns to 'predict' when it will end

Layla Abdel Latif, a Lebanese astrologer who predicted coronavirus, has returned to predict when it will end.
3 min read
17 March, 2020
Layla Abdel Latif predicted coronavirus [Twitter]
A Lebanese psychic who "forsaw" the current coronavirus pandemic during predictions for 2020 has returned to say when she anticipates its end. 

When giving a psychic reading on New Year's Eve 2019, Layla Abdel Latif - who is of Lebanese and Egyptian origin - predicted there will an outbreak of a virus that will spark global panic.

Her intuitive reading resurfaced across Arab social media spheres after the pandemic was declared.

Speaking to Kuwait's Scoop TV, she predicted last week that the coronavirus pandemic will continue but will suddenly disappear.

"I think coronavirus came and will vanish. As if we were in a dream and we'll go to sleep and we'll wake up and it'll be over. Things will calm down and airports will reopen," she said.

Abdel Latif claimed Arab doctors will be at the forefront of finding a cure for the deadly illness, which will disappear within the next two months.

"Everyone will have some sort of a treatment and they will be fine," she said. "Arab states and doctors will come together and create a cure." 

"I'm worried about Europe, and the US, however. They will be hit hard," Abdel Latif added. She said that Africa will be safe from coronavirus, but the continent will be inflicted with a different disease.

Abdel Latif then went into a conspiracy that the disease was part of an experiment that lost control.

"I fear no one in me saying this. We are facing a biological war. Coronavirus is not something that just came randomly, something dubious happened and went out of control," she said.

Read also: US begins coronavirus vaccine trial as worldwide governments impose 'lockdowns'

"This virus happened as form of warfare between China and US and there will be another conflict between the two. A war of a different sort. Even if we will pass tough times, it will go. The way it comes will be the way it goes."

In her updated reading, she also spoke about the Arab world being united year - spearheaded, she claims, by Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Yearly TV psychic readings are common in the Arab world – mainly in Lebanon. 

Global pandemic

The COVID-19 virus, which was first detected in China's Wuhan in December, has killed more than 6,526 people worldwide, while over 170,855 infections have been confirmed.

The majority of those that become infected experience only mild or moderate symptoms, including fever and a dry cough.

Concerns have been raised for the elderly and those with existing health issues, who have reportedly suffered from more severe complications, including pneumonia. Over 6,000 have died.

As of yet, there are no known treatments for the virus, though more than 77,781 have already recovered from the infection.

The World Health Organisation has confirmed those who experience a milder version of the virus recover in about two weeks, while those with more severe illness may take three to six weeks to recover.

As the pandemic continues to spread across the world, dozens of research groups around the world are racing to create a vaccine while governments continue to impose strict restrictions or "lockdowns" to help stem the spread of the virus.

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