Israel PM Lapid 'ignored' Abbas' Rosh Hashanah call

Israel PM Lapid 'ignored' Abbas' Rosh Hashanah call
Lapid, Israel's  alternate Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Interior Minister Ayalet Shaked have consistently refused Abbas' requests to hold meetings with them.
2 min read
29 September, 2022
Abbas also called Israeli President Isaac Herzog and Defence Minister Benny Gant to convey his congratulations [Getty]

lsraeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid ignored a request for a call from Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on the Jewish Holiday of Rosh Hashanah, according to Israeli news outlet Walla.

Abbas reportedly wanted to schedule the call to congratulate the Israeli leader on the occasion of the Jewish new year.

Sources from the premier's office were quoted by Walla as saying that a call “will take place as is customary, without specifying a date.

Abbas also called Israeli President Isaac Herzog and Defence Minister Benny Gantz to convey his congratulations, while also urging the Israeli leaders to increase cooperation in security. During their call, Gantz demanded that the 

Lapid, Israel's e alternate Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Interior Minister Ayalet Shaked have consistently refused Abbas' requests to hold meetings with them.

In January, Lapid rejected a request by Abbas to meet, telling Israel's Army Radio that he would only meet the Palestinian leader when there is a political justification for it. Lapid, who was serving as foreign minister at the time, insisted that Israel's government was not pursuing political negotiations with the Palestinian Authority.

Last week, Abbas delivered a speech to the UN General Assembly slamming Israel's occupation and urging Israel to return to talks with the PA.

"The true test of the credibility and seriousness of this stance is for the Israeli government to return to the negotiation table immediately," Abbas said.

Israel has illegally occupied the West Bank since the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, imposing severe restrictions on Palestinian life and using violent means to harass, intimidate and harm Palestinians. US-sponsored Israeli-Palestinian peace talks collapsed in 2014.