Israeli anti-vaxxer displays porn at Knesset meeting discussing Covid
Knesset members have officially banned participants addressing parliamentary committees from sharing screens via the teleconferencing app Zoom after an anti-vaccination activist showed pornographic photos in a meeting, according to Israeli media reports.
The activist was speaking to the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee on Sunday when he shared the pornographic photos. The committee’s chairman, Gilad Kariv, stopped the Zoom broadcast immediately.
The photos were not shown on the committee's broadcast online and on television, a spokesperson for the committee said.
The incident occurred as the lawmakers discussed new legislation to help battle the latest wave of Covid-19 to hit the country.
Kariv said opponents of vaccinations against the virus have been spammimg lawmakers' emails in protest, despite been given a fair chance to have their say.
“It is unfortunate that in recent days they escalated their protests to the point they distributed harmful pictures... We will finish legislating the law regardless of the trolling,” he said.