Iran's 'Jamie Oliver' is 'beaten to death' by security forces, one day before his 20th birthday

Iran's 'Jamie Oliver' is 'beaten to death' by security forces, one day before his 20th birthday
Mehrshad Shahidi, a 19-year-old Iranian chef, was killed by security forces a day before his 20th birthday during the wave of protests engulfing the country.
2 min read
01 November, 2022
Hundreds of people have reportedly been killed by security forces during the protests in Iran [Getty]

Iranian celebrity chef Mehrshad Shahidi was brutally beaten to death in custody by security forces during anti-government protests in the country, according to activists.

Shahidi was a charismatic chef, dubbed the country's 'Jamie Oliver', after the famous British celebrity chef.

He was working at the University of Arak, eastern Iran when he was allegedly killed last Wednesday, one day before his 20th birthday. 

The New Arab cannot independently verify reports of his death.

He was reportedly the latest victim of a brutal regime crackdown on anti-government protests, which have swept through Iran leaving at least 250 dead.

Thousands marched during his funeral procession on Saturday chanting "Everyone who is killed will be supported by thousands more".

Shahidi was killed on the 40th day of the protests in Arak, while allegedly in the custody of Iran's powerful Revolutionary Guards. 

A family member told opposition outlet Iran International TV in London the teenage chef died after baton blows to his head but were told by authorities to say he died of a heart attack. 

Iranian authorities have denied any responsibility for Shahidi's death but have repeatedly claimed that detainees, most of them young, have died of natural causes. 

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The 19-year-old is one of hundreds of people brutally killed by Iranian security forces in a wave of anti-government protests.

The protests were triggered by the death of Mahsa Amini, a Kurdish-Iranian woman who was detained by the country's infamous 'morality police' for allegedly wearing her headscarf 'improperly'. She subsequently died in custody after allegedly being beaten by security forces.