Five Palestinians injured by Israeli shelling at Gaza border

Five Palestinians injured by Israeli shelling at Gaza border
The Israeli military injured several Palestinians with artillery fire as they also carried out an incursion on the Gaza border to erect a further barbed wire barrier on Tuesday night.
2 min read
18 April, 2018
The Gaza border has witnessed an escalation of violence in recent weeks [Getty]
Five Palestinians were injured early on Wednesday morning, one of whom is in a critical condition, after the Israeli military fired artillery shells at the group the military claim were attempting to cross the border.

The incident occured east of Khan Younis, in the southern part of the blockaded enclave, the Gaza Health Ministry reported.

Israeli soldiers stationed at watchtowers along the border fence opened fire on Palestinian paramedics attending to the scene.

The Israeli military claimed that "suspects" were targeted.

"An IDF force spotted five suspects approaching the border fence in the night. At least one of them was armed. The force fired at the suspects," the military said in a statement.

Read more: Explainer: Life in Gaza under Israel's blockade

In addition, the Israeli military targeted Hamas positions in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday night east of al-Bureij refugee camp in the central. No casualties were reported.

Eyewitnesses told Arab 48 that the military fired two artillery shells at a observation point belonging to the al-Qassam brigades, Hamas' military wing, adding that several military vehicles and bulldozers entered into Gaza territory beyond the border fence to place more barbed wire in the border area.

According to the 2018 Palestinian census, 1.9 million people live in the Gaza Strip, under strict sea and land blockade since 2006, with 1.3 of them refugees.

The shooting come weeks after international outrage was sparked at the seemingly indisctriminate use of live ammunition by Israeli forces against Palestinian demonstrators protesting the Right of Return at the Gaza border.

Thirty three Gazans were killed during the marches, including three minors and a journalist wearing a clearly marked press jacket, with 4279 injured, 1539 of whom by live ammunition, according to Health Ministry figures.