Brother of Ayman al-Zawahiri released on parole

Brother of Ayman al-Zawahiri released on parole
Egypt on Tuesday released from prison Mohammed al-Zawahiri, brother of al-Qaeda leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, after he was detained without trial for two years.
1 min read
24 February, 2016
The brother of the al-Qaeda leader will be released on parole [Getty]
A Cairo court has ordered the release of the brother of al-Qaeda's top leader after he spent over two years in prison without trial over accusations of leading a terrorist group, an Egyptian lawyer said Tuesday.

Attorney Khaled al-Masri told The Associated Press that Mohammed Al-Zawahiri is to be placed under house arrest.

According to judge Hussein Farid, the head of the Cairo Criminal Court that released al-Zawahiri, the defendant must show up to court every 45 days and be under police surveillance.

Al-Zawahiri is the brother of Egyptian-born al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, who succeeded Osama bin Laden as the chief of the global terror network.

Mohammed al-Zawahiri was arrested in August 2013, days after security forces stormed the Rabaa sit-in in Cairo by supporters of President Mohammed Morsi, killing over 1000.

He led a Salafi group and was reportedly a close ally of Morsi.

Although he was subsequently acquitted in one terrorism-related case, he remained in detention for a second case in which he was never formally charged but was accused of forming a terrorist organisation.
