Beirut explosion 'should not be politicised', says Iran

A foreign ministry spokesperson claimed countries were trying to politicise the blast "for their own interests".
2 min read
10 August, 2020
Beirut's explosion has killed over 150 people and displaced 300,000 in the capital[Getty]
Iran said on Monday that states should not politicise the Beirut blast last week, and called for the US to lift sanctions against Lebanon, a report said.

"The blast should not be used as an excuse for political aims ... the cause of the blast should be investigated carefully," Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi was quoted by Reuters as saying in a televised news conference.

Mousavi's comments came days after French President Emmanuel Macron visited Beirut's streets that were destroyed in a chemical explosion, which claimed the lives of over 150 people.

"Some countries have been trying to politicise this blast for their own interests," Mousavi told a reporter about the visit.

The explosion, triggered by  2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate stored at the port, also injured 5,000 people.

On Sunday, international leaders pledged $300 million in humanitarian assistance to Lebanon following the devastating explosion that displaced 300,000 people. Macron said donors would watch closely how the aid was spent.

Mousavi also said that "if America is honest about its assistance offer to Lebanon, they should lift sanctions".

Read also: #SayTheirNames: The victims of Beirut blasts

Iran is a strong backer of Hezbollah, an armed Shia group with a powerful political force in Lebanon. 

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has claimed the Beirut port explosion "has nothing to do" with the group.

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