Lebanese pop star Haifa Wehbe's shorts cause a scandal in Egypt

Pop icon Haifa Wehbe was reported to Egyptian authorities for wearing shorts on stage during a concert in Cairo.
2 min read
04 November, 2017
Wehbe is known as one of the region's most prominent sex symbols [Facebook]
Lebanese pop star Haifa Wehbe has been called in for interrogation by authorities in Egypt this week for wearing shorts during a recent concert performance in Cairo.

Wehbe, known as one of the region's most prominent sex symbols, was allegedly reported by to the Egyptian Musicians' Syndicate by a female journalist who was outraged by the singer's outfit.

The singer-turned-actress, whose mother is Egyptian, revealed in a tweet on Wednesday her surprise at the allegation, adding that there is a campaign against her in the country.

"I was shocked to learn that a female journalist has lodged a complaint against me at the Syndicate of Musicians, in objection to the shorts I wore at AUC," Wehbe said in a statement she shared on Twitter.

"Has it become intentional [to jeopardise me] following every successful performance in Egypt? Or is this civilised look (my outfit) strange to some people?" she asked

A spokesperson from the musicians' syndicate told Al Arabiya news site that Wehbe's manager was warned over the singer's dress code during performances in Egypt.

He requested that she "take into account the traditions and customs of Egyptian people".

He denied allegations that authorities have called Wehbe for interrogation or banned her from future performances.

Instagram Post

The incident comes just days after an Egyptian lawyer sparked outrage after he called for the rape of women who wore revealing clothes.

Nabih al-Wahsh, a prominent conservative in Egypt, said in a televised debate raping women who wear ripped jeans is a "national duty".

Wahsh shocked the nation by adding that women who wear revealing clothes are inviting men to harass them.

This is not the first time Wehbe has got herself in hot water with the Egyptian authorities.

In 2014, Egypt suspended screenings of Halawit Rouh film, staring Wehbe because she supposedly appears in the movie scantily dressed, along with ostensible sexual innuendos.