Muslim doctor stabbed and shot outside Texas mosque

Muslim doctor stabbed and shot outside Texas mosque
Witnesses say the doctor was approached by three men before being stabbed and shot without warning on Sunday morning.
1 min read
03 July, 2016
Witnesses said the man was approached by three people [Getty]
A Muslim doctor has been shot and stabbed as he was walking towards a mosque in Houston, Texas on Sunday.

The man was on his way to morning prayers during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan when he was stabbed and shot without warning, witnesses said.

Mohammed Imaduddin, a spokesperson for the Madrasah Islamia Masjid told local news agencies the victim had parked along the street and was walking towards the mosque when he was approached by three people on foot.

“It is very scary right now given the current political climate,” Imaduddin told news station ABC 13, adding that there were children outside at the time of the incident. 

“From what I hear, this is the third incident this week in the Houston area involving a Muslim getting shot. This is a community place, we have kids that come here, we have people young and old comes here.”

The man was shot twice but is expected to survive his injuries.

The incident comes the day after another Muslim man was beaten up outside a mosque in Florida.