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Timo Al-Farooq

Timo Al-Farooq

Timo Al-Farooq is a freelance journalist based in Berlin, Germany.

Parties across Germany's political divide have failed Gaza. That's why MERA25 is the only party worth voting for in the EU elections, writes Timo Al-Farooq.

06 June, 2024

As it cracks down on Palestine solidarity, the German security state now resembles that of a Cosa Nostra crime family rather than a democracy, says Timo Farooq

30 April, 2024

Freezing a Jewish anti-Zionist group's bank account echoes Nazi policies and shows the extent of Germany's support Israel's war on Gaza, writes Timo Al-Farooq.

09 April, 2024

Ignoring vicious repression of Palestine solidarity, Germany's anti-racism protests against the far-right AfD party are fooling no one, writes Timo Al-Farooq.

09 February, 2024

Opinion: Palestine solidarity has whetted the German appetite for authoritarianism but with a racist tinge, targeting Arabs, Muslims, and Israel-skeptic Jews.

22 December, 2023

Since 7 October & Israel’s onslaught on Gaza, pro-Israel media pundits & commentators have increasingly adopted the tactic of forcing condemnations of Hamas to avoid providing any context that identifies Israel's crimes, explains Timo Al-Farooq.

22 November, 2023