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Mansoor Adayfi

Mansoor Adayfi


Mansoor Adayfi is a writer, advocate, and former Guantánamo detainee, held for around 15 years without charges as an enemy combatant. Adayfi was released to Serbia in 2016. He has published several New York Times pieces, including a "Modern Love" column. He contributed to the graphic anthology Guantanamo Voices and the scholarly volume Witnessing Torture. He participated in the creation of the award-winning radio documentary "The Art of Now: Guantánamo" for BBC radio and the CBC podcast Love Me, which aired on Radiolab. Regularly interviewed by international news media about his experiences at Guantánamo and life after, he was also featured in the PBS Frontline episode Out of Gitmo. In 2019, Adayfi won the Richard J. Margolis Award for nonfiction writers of social justice journalism. His memoir “Don’t Forge Us Here” was published in 2021.He is also one of the Sundance Institute’s 2020 Episodic Lab Fellows, through which he is working to bring Don’t Forget Us Here to television. He continues to advocate for the closure of Guantanamo, he works as CAGE’s Guantanamo Project coordinator, and outreach coordinator for Guantanamo Survivors Fund (GSF).

Injustice unites those in Guantanamo Bay with those under blockade in Gaza. And though the road ahead may be long, justice will prevail, says Mansoor Adayfi.

22 July, 2024

We owe it to the men still detained in Guantanamo to keep fighting for justice and accountability, writes former detainee Mansoor Adayfi.

11 January, 2024

Seven years after his release, Mansoor Adayfi reflects on the fifteen years of his life he spent in the notorious Guantanamo Bay prison and the crucial promise he made to those that remain detained there on his final day.

17 August, 2023