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Hanna Davis

Hanna Davis

Hanna Davis

Hanna Davis is a freelance journalist reporting on politics, foreign policy, and humanitarian affairs

Analysis: Benny Gantz's departure from Netanyahu's Israeli war cabinet, and its dissolution, has handed the political will in Israel back to the far-right.

19 June, 2024

In-depth: Bashar al-Assad and a network of cronies have profited immensely off Syria's war economy and the billions the UN has poured into the country.

29 May, 2024

Analysis: With US and global attention shifting from Israeli war crimes, did Netanyahu use Iran's attacks as leverage for his war strategy in Gaza?

23 April, 2024

Analysis: An end to Israel's war in Gaza could mean an end to Benjamin Netanyahu's political career.

06 March, 2024

Analysis: Israel's attacks on Lebanon are growing more aggressive and indiscriminate, signalling that its rules of engagement with Hezbollah could be changing.

21 February, 2024

Analysis: The drone attack on US forces in Jordan has raised fears that the country could become a new theatre for regional tensions.

08 February, 2024

In-depth: Gaza's entire population is at risk of famine as rights groups say Israel is using starvation as a weapon of war.

08 January, 2024

Analysis: With Saudi-Israel normalisation frozen for now, Riyadh has stepped up its public diplomacy over the Gaza war but is still treading cautiously.

30 November, 2023

In-depth: The newly opened museum in Baalbek showcases Hezbollah's military intervention in Syria. Analysts say it is part of a strategy to define the group's role in the region and influence its domestic image among supporters.

28 September, 2023

Analysis: Protests against growing poverty and Assad's authoritarian rule have spread from Suweida to regime-held areas of Syria. Will a new movement learn from past mistakes to achieve political change?

07 September, 2023