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Hebh Jamal

Hebh Jamal

Hebh Jamal

Hebh Jamal is a Palestinian American journalist based in Germany. 

German police have used excessive force against protesters, with the latest developments including children being arrested and women facing sexual violence

19 July, 2024

German government and Max Planck Society have ties to Israeli centre involved in research behind AI tech used for mass surveillance of Palestinians.

18 July, 2024

Germany's effort to oppress pro-Palestine voices should be met with persistence and creative resistance, argues Hebh Jamal.

15 July, 2024

As Gaza faces starvation, Israel's war has stolen the joy from the holy month. This Ramadan, Muslims must channel our faith into solidarity, writes Hebh Jamal.

14 March, 2024

The racist accusation of misogyny by Julia Hartley-Brewer against Mustafa Barghouti embodies the refusal to see Palestinian men as victims, writes Hebh Jamal.

18 January, 2024

The German president calling on Muslims & Arabs to condemn Hamas under the guise of fighting antisemitism, is racist. Germany’s support for Israel has more to do with anti-migrant political agendas than writing historical wrongs, argues Hebh Jamal.

01 December, 2023

In-depth: Israel's war on Gaza has seen one of the most intense air campaigns since World War Two, razing entire neighbourhoods to the ground, killing thousands, and causing damage that could take decades to repair.

30 November, 2023

In-depth: From strict media guidelines to a ban on protests, Germany's silencing of Palestine solidarity is leaving no part of society untouched.

16 November, 2023

Across Germany, demonstrations against Israel’s bombardment on Gaza have been banned and criminalised. Even anti-Zionist Jews in Germany are not safe from extreme state repression and expressing solidarity with the Palestinian liberation movement.

18 October, 2023

In-depth: The arrest of the Egyptian father of a German activist is the latest in an escalating trend of targeting families of outspoken activists to silence dissent, while the international community turns a blind eye.

30 August, 2023