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Rodayna Raydan

Rodayna Raydan


Rodayna Raydan is a Lebanese British journalism graduate from Kingston University in London covering Lebanon.


Follow her on Twitter: @Rodayna_462

To commemorate International Women's Day, The New Arab sat down with a number of Arab women working in science – from industry-leading experts to stars of the future – to find out more about their journeys, motivations and challenges along the way.

07 March, 2023

Efforts to preserve Beirut's once-glistening cultural scene are needed now more than ever as the city descends into a dilapidated ruin. Answering this call, a new generation of artists has stepped in to protect iconic sites like the Cinema Royal.

02 February, 2023

In-depth: With COP27 on African soil, a continent bearing the brunt of a crisis it didn't cause, African activists were hoping to have their calls for climate justice centred, but have been silenced and shut out.

15 November, 2022

Exhausted by Lebanon's multitude of crises, farmers in Lebanon are managing to keep themselves afloat by shifting away from archaic agricultural techniques to more sustainable and innovative methods.

31 October, 2022

In-depth: In Syria, displaced families are live streaming on TikTok begging viewers to give them 'virtual gifts', but a recent investigation by the BBC found that the social media platform is reaping the profits.

28 October, 2022

In-depth: As Lebanon struggles with one of the world's most severe financial crises, many have turned to solar energy to generate electricity and save money, as a green future may be on the horizon.

30 September, 2022

In-depth: The unsettling surge of racist attacks and xenophobia along with recently announced plans to repatriate one million Syrians back to their home country have left many refugees questioning their future in Turkey.

02 September, 2022

Lebanon still mourns for the victims of the Beirut port explosion, with justice and accountability seemingly futile. The destruction caused by the blast has left an indelible mark on the residents of Beirut, many of whom are traumatised for life.

04 August, 2022

Despite regressive legislation and ignorance, Lebanon has long held the torch for LGBTQ+ rights in the Middle East. Fostering inclusive spaces has been a key battleground in achieving equality, with Beirut's businesses the latest to embrace change.

21 June, 2022

Pride Month: Syria's LGBTQI+ groups break boundaries in the uphill battle to have their voices heard at home and abroad despite challenges, barriers, and consequences.

14 June, 2022