Author Page

Saliha Haddad

Saliha Haddad


Saliha Haddad is an Algerian journalist, writer, teacher, and literary agent. 

Follow her on Twitter: @sallyhad3

Book Club: 'Huddud's House' by Fadi Azzam tells the story of the Syrian war and its impact on people's lives, focusing on love, friendship, and survival.

17 July, 2024

Book Club: Tackling stereotypes, Susan Muaddi Darraj's novel is a soulful work that tackles the multiplicities of Palestinian culture in Baltimore.

07 February, 2024

Book Club: Hisham Bustani's collection of short stories catapults the reader into a world dominated by the surreal, with each of the sixteen stories playfully rejecting short storytelling convention through experimental style, form and structure.

02 February, 2022

In a new anthology published by UEA press, Mo(at): Stories from Arabic exhibits a range of Arabic short stories, written by African authors. The literary compilation is further proof of the uniquely compelling voice of African-Arabic literature.

08 December, 2021

Book Club: Set in-between the two Intifadas, Akram Musallam's latest book is an introspective interrogation of how the Israeli occupation affects every facet of society, using both personal anecdotes and the lives of others as a creative influence.

13 October, 2021