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Ben White

Ben White

Ben White is a writer, analyst, and author of four books, including ‘Cracks in the Wall: Beyond Apartheid in Palestine/Israel’.

From expanding illegal settlements to arming settlers, Israel is making clear its intentions to annex the West Bank and expel Palestinians, writes Ben White.

13 September, 2024

Anti-government protests in Israel are being framed as a battle between nationalist populists and democrats. But an analysis that omits apartheid obscures more than it clarifies, writes Ben White.

17 August, 2023

Israel often relies on the lack of filmed evidence to claim 'neutralising' terrorists when its army shoots unarmed children. When they killed 16-year-old Abdulrahman Hasan Ahmad it was caught on CCTV, turning this claim on its head, writes Ben White.

17 July, 2023

Israel’s government is openly pursuing annexation of the occupied West Bank through settlement expansion, the bolstering of settler violence and an intensification of violence by its occupation forces, writes Ben White.

20 June, 2023

As diplomats & journalists focus on Israel’s settlement expansion in the West Bank, there’s less attention on an expansion of segregation & racialised planning in the Galilee as the Israeli government intensifies historical policy, writes Ben White.

08 June, 2023

For years, Israel has relied on its policy of 'targeted killings' to sanction extrajudicial killings and bombing of family homes in Gaza by deliberately misinterpreting international law to strip Palestinians of protections, writes Ben White.

11 May, 2023

Israeli anti-government protests are not about ‘revolutionary’ change but maintaining the status quo, argues Ben White, a status quo which includes an apartheid regime for Palestinians.

13 March, 2023

Last year was the deadliest in decades for Palestinians. Since the start of 2023, 43 have already been killed by Israeli forces. But Israel continues to evade accountability by claiming that the majority were ‘terrorists’, writes Ben White.

13 February, 2023

Comment: A single democratic state in Palestine/Israel is, in fact, a realistic and vital alternative to formal apartheid, writes Ben White.

18 May, 2018

Comment: The escalating campaign against dissent shown towards the idea of Israel as an exclusively Jewish state has long targeted those who would build bridges, writes Ben White.

19 September, 2016