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Ibrahim Husseini

Ibrahim Husseini

Ibrahim Husseini is The New Arab's correspondent based in East Jerusalem. Follow him on Twitter: @husseiniibrahim

Though he was set free from Israeli detention in a prisoner-hostage exchange deal between Hamas and Israel, Ahmad, age fourteen and one of the youngest Palestinian detainees, faces hurdles in resuming his education.

04 December, 2023

Israel's far-right national security minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, accused the Israeli government of 'surrender' and called for the resumption of the war against the Gaza Strip.

30 November, 2023

Ahmad Salaymeh, 14, was released from the Israeli prison of Damon near Haifa on day five of the truce. The 8th grader was put under house arrest last May on suspicion that he threw rocks at settlers of Ma'ale Zeitim in occupied East Jerusalem.

30 November, 2023

Dr Meir Baruchin, an Israeli activist opposing the war on Gaza, was recently detained and investigated for sedition and intent to commit treason. He was put in solitary confinement for four days.

20 November, 2023

Israeli settlers are trying to assert control over a disputed piece of land in a sensitive area in occupied East Jerusalem. The land has been in the possession of the Armenian Patriarchate for centuries.

17 November, 2023

The Israeli government has thus far rejected offers by Hamas for a prisoner exchange deal, and its senior ministers showed no sign of heeding the call of the hostages's relatives. Israel has in its jails more than 7,000 Palestinians.

15 November, 2023

The Beirut-based Al-Mayadeen began broadcasting in the summer of 2012 and has had reporters in Palestine and Israel since. In 2019, Israel banned Palestine TV from operating in occupied East Jerusalem.

13 November, 2023

The Israeli police detained former Arab MKs for organising an anti-war protest in Nazareth.

09 November, 2023

Since the start of the war on 7 October, the Israeli police have stopped rallies against the bombing in Gaza in cities like Haifa and Um el-Fahem, heavily censured online activism and arrested dozens of Palestinians.

08 November, 2023

"We are fighting for our existence". The Armenian community in occupied East Jerusalem is contesting a murky real estate deal signed between their Patriarchate and an Israeli settler.

07 November, 2023