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Hilary Aked


Hilary Aked is a London-based researcher and freelance journalist currently writing their PhD which examines the pro-Israel lobby in the UK.

Pro-Israel lobbyists desperate to contain the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement are attempting to link it to the so-called "Arab boycott" of the previous century, writes Hilary Aked.

04 August, 2015

Comment: Extremist ideologies are flourishing as Europe's leaders rail against multiculturalism, writes Hilary Aked.

21 July, 2015

Comment: The Israel lobby in the UK is just as strong as elsewhere in the world, its influence just as pervasive and its electoral donations just as desirable.

05 May, 2015

Comment: "Middle East experts" featured on news channels often defend a pro-Israel agenda, argues Hilary Aked

30 April, 2015

Analysis: All major UK political parties have "Friends of Israel" groups, which have much influence over Middle East policy, says Hilary Aked.

29 April, 2015

Comment: The UK exports billions of dollars of weapons to the Middle East, some of which are used on civilians. It is time for this to end, says Hilary Aked.

07 April, 2015

Comment: Western relations with Iran are warming, much to the exasperation of Israel, which is facing rising criticism from its traditional allies, says Hilary Aked.

02 April, 2015