Trending: Egyptians share revolution stories ahead of fifth anniversary

Trending: Egyptians share revolution stories ahead of fifth anniversary
3 min read

Nada Ramadan

17 January, 2016
Egyptians have launched a hashtag and online campaign to share their stories of the January revolution ahead of its fifth anniversary, expressing pride and solidarity with political prisoners.
Egyptians are sharing their stories of the 25 January revolution ahead of fifth anniversary [Getty]

Hundreds of Egyptians have taken to social media to share their stories and opinions of the 25 January revolution only a few days ahead of its fifth anniversary.

The Arabic-language hashtag "I took part in the January revolution", which is currently trending on Twitter, was launched in response to the arrest of Taher Mokhtar, a member of the Freedoms Committee at the Doctors Syndicate and a long-time revolutionary socialist activist.

On Thursday, security forces stormed Mokhtar's apartment in downtown Cairo, arresting him along with his friends Ahmad Hassan and Hossam al-Din Hamady.

The three were then taken to Abdeen police station for interrogation.

Mokhtar, who had been actively campaigning against medical negligence in Egyptian prisons, was accused of taking part in the January revolution.

On Sunday, dozens of people, including human rights activists and political figures, signed an online petition in solidarity with Mokhtar, denouncing the charges against him.

More than 3,300 people have joined the petition's Facebook page in less than one day.

"The regime has begun to turn participation in the revolution into an official charge," the petition read.

"We are all 'guilty' of taking part in the revolution, and we will never deny it," the petitioners added.

"We will continue to fight until all detainees are released, and until we achieve the justice and freedom demanded by the Egyptian people who took to the streets five years ago."

Human rights activists, media professionals, political figures, poets, intellectuals, and others who took part in the protests contributed to the trending hashtag to stress their pride in the revolution and willingness to continue the fight against corruption and oppression.

Translation: This revolution encouraged me to leave everything and return to Egypt, after I had vowed never to return because of all the corruption I had seen at work.

Translation: If anything good happens to Egypt in the next 100 years, it will be mainly thanks to the people who took to the streets on 25 January 2011.

Translation: It was not clear to me at first. I took part because I was curious, but over time, I understood the idea and I believed in it, and I am willing to make sacrifices for it.

Translation: The greatest thing I ever did was being part of the preparations for this great day. It is my gift to my children and grandchildren, and I am certain they will never let go of it.

Translation: The 25 January revolution was the last attempt to save Egypt from drowning in corruption, neglect, and backwardness.

Translation: I will always be proud of the revolution, whether it failed or succeeded.