Quotes from Syria: World, do you hear us?

Quotes from Syria: World, do you hear us?
3 min read

Dani Qappani

28 April, 2017
The world must not act like the US strikes on Assad's bases are a show of solidarity with the people of Syria writes Qappani.
Syrian mourners attend a funeral ceremony in Sayyida Zeinab mosque, Damascus [Getty Images]

Many friends and reporters have asked me the same question: What do you think of the US' strike to the Assad regime?

Every time, my reply remains the same, "has anything changed on the ground?"

Ask those on the ground. I have talked to many friend in many parts of Syria, and here is what they had to say:

"It was the scariest thing I have ever seen. A huge missile carrying cluster bombs fell near the place where my family fled. How in the world could they attack women and children who originally fled the city because of the heavy bombings? Such a false world!" – Ahmad, Daraa

"You know how it is like under siege. Prices are getting higher when you can barely find anything to eat, not to mention the heavy shelling and attacks Assad and Russia target us with. I can't imagine how 400 thousand civilians living here would survive, because it's the cruelest times ever since the siege was imposed in 2013. Sorry, I have to go. I can hear the alert of danger coming" – Firas, East Ghouta

"What's the use of any political solutions or transitions, or any new wars when we were displaced from our houses knowing we will never ever return? It seems like all the world is against us" – Amer, Al Zabbadani

"I saw everything in Khan Shaiekoun. It was horrifying how children and women were dying because of the chemical attack, and after that, I was about to be killed when they attacked the hospital. What was that all about? Aren’t Assad and Russia satisfied with the blood we have already spilt? This is chaos! We said we want to get rid of Assad, and if not, a no-fly zone would do the job. What's the purpose of attacking an airfield when all the world knows that Assad will attack civilians again? What a contradiction" – Omar, Idlib

There are more heartbreaking stories; stories that the world is not yet ready to listen to despite the six years of bloodbath in Syria perpetuated by Assad and his allies.

I am not telling you all of this to raise your awareness about what is happening inside Syria – because you must have known that for years now.  

I am telling you this to let you know that we know that our beloved county, Syria, is being used as a playground for all ideologies, international interests and every two countries who want to launch a war.

For us, we know we need help to bring Assad down, but we will never ever kneel down to ask for the needed help, it's the duty of the international community after all, not a favour for Syrians.

Mr. Trump, your messages have reached us, but has our one and only message reached you?

Dani Qappani is a journalist and media activist, previously living and working in besieged opposition-held Damascus suburb, Moadamiyeh

Opinions expressed in this article remain those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of The New Arab, its editorial board or staff.

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