Islamophobes are angry about this teenage girl's painting

A teenage girl drew Lady Liberty in a hijab and Islamophobes are not happy
3 min read

The New Arab

12 August, 2017
The painting has made it to the finals and is now hanging proudly in the office of congressman J. Luis Correa
The painting of Lady Liberty which angered Islamophobes [Youtube]
Islamophobes in the US are outraged by a teenage girl's painting of Lady Liberty wearing a hijab. 

Every year high school students across the US compete in the Congressional Art Competition, submitting works of art to be featured at the US Capitol.

This year, one girl painted her own depiction of the Statue of Liberty. Lady Liberty was painted with brown skin and donning a hijab in what is believed to be a political statement - representing the plight of Muslims in the US.

The painting made it to the finals and is now hanging proudly in the office of congressman, J. Luis Correa [democrat].

But a group of Islamophobic, white supremacists are not happy about this.

They view the depiction of Lady Liberty in a hijab as un-American (definition please?):

If an American congressman is un-American, what is American?

There were also calls to ban Islam. While this type of a rhetoric can sometimes be dismissed, let's not forget the innocent lives that have been taken at the hands of Islamophobic fascists.

This angry tweeter refers to men as the "backbone of society" in a chauvinist attempt to intellectually cushion Islamophobia? We're just as confused at this... sorry.

What's striking is that it's almost as though these users don't know the first amendment, which enshrines the right to freedom of religion.

Lou Correa's reaction to all of this outrage?