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Netanyahu's son reportedly flees to Miami over social media

Netanyahu's son reportedly flees to Miami over alleged social media controversy
2 min read
Washington, D.C.
28 April, 2023
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's son Yair has reportedly been spotted in Florida, where he is believed to have relocated following controversy over his social media activity.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's oldest son, Yair Netanyahu, has reportedly fled to Miami over his father's disapproval of his son's social media posts. [Getty]

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's oldest son, Yair Netanyahu, has reportedly fled to Miami over his father's disapproval of his son's social media posts.

"Yair loves his dad but wants to do his own thing," The New York Post reported an anonymous source as saying after he was reportedly spotted in Miami. "He is of a new generation. Social media, activism and his own beliefs are what is important to him."

According to multiple sources, including the Jerusalem Post, Yair Netanyahu has been told by his parents, Benjamin and Sara, to stop his activities on social media due to some of his extreme statements, saying he was causing harm. 

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The younger Netanyahu's relocation to Florida comes several weeks after his parents reportedly banned him (or at least tried to stop him) from using social media, around the same time that the elder Netanyahu's government put a pause on the controversial decision to reform the judiciary.

Yair Netanyahu, 31, is considered one of Israel's leading right-wing activists on social media and has made inflammatory comments in the media about the demonstrators. 

"America seems to give him that freedom and distance," the anonymous source told the Post. "There isn't as much of a spotlight."

It is unclear if the younger Netanyahu, who reportedly arrived nearly a month ago, has relocated to Florida permanently. It is believed he will stay for at least the next several months. For now, he joins a long list of high-profile figures who have made the Sunshine State their refuge.