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Israel 'detains over 600 Palestinians' since Trump Jerusalem move

Israel has detained 'over 600 Palestinians' since Trump Jerusalem move
2 min read
27 December, 2017
The Palestinian Prisoners Society said 610 Palestinians have been detained by Israel since Trump's Jerusalem move taking the number of Palestinians detained by Israel to over 7,000.
Israeli soldiers attack Palestinian protesters in Jerusalem [Getty]
Israel has detained more than 600 Palestinians since US President Donald Trump’s decision to move the US embassy to Jerusalem and relocate its capital there earlier this month, a prisoner’s rights group said.

The Palestinian Prisoners Society said on Tuesday that the number of Palestinians detained by Israeli forces since Trump's declaration currently stands at 610 Palestinians, including 170 children, 12 women and three injured prisoners.

The 610 Palestinians detained are in addition to the 6,500 Palestinians already imprisoned by Israeli forces for various alleged crimes, taking the total number of detainees to over 7,000.

Detainees are considered political prisoners in Palestinian society.

Israeli politicians have amplified their animosity towards Palestinian prisoners in recent days. A controversial Israeli lawmaker on Monday verbally abused Palestinians Gaza on their way to meet relatives jailed in Israel, calling their sons "dogs" and "terrorists."

Oren Hazan, a member of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's Likud party, boarded a bus carrying Palestinians from Gaza to visit relatives in Israel's Nafha military jail.

Hazan used the stunt to criticise Israel's policy of allowing permits for such visits while Gaza's Hamas rulers allegedly hold three civilians and the bodies of two Israeli soldiers.

"Your relatives belong in the ground," he said in the footage, demanding that passengers denounce "terrorist acts" against Israel.

"Your son is a dog," he told a woman from Gaza.

Twelve Palestinians have been killed since Trump's decision, which sparked almost daily protests in the Palestinian territories and clashes with Israeli forces. 

Israel regards Jerusalem as its "undivided" capital, a position nearly the entire world rejects saying its status should be determined in peace talks with the Palestinians.

Under international law East Jerusalem is considered occupied Palestinian territory.

Trump's move has been condemned worldwide and protests have taken place globally in the US, UK, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia, Egypt, and Jordan.