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Vile 'Punish a Muslim Day' returns

Vile 'Punish a Muslim Day' returns for the sequel nobody wanted
3 min read
31 May, 2018
A second Islamophobic 'Punish a Muslim Day' leaflet has emerged on social media, sparking outrage in the UK.
The letter promises a "big number two" comeback [Twitter]
A second "Punish a Muslim Day" is being organised in the UK, a former British chief prosecutor has claimed, after another vile letter allegedly emerged encouraging violence against Muslims.

A photo of the letter was posted on Twitter by Nazir Afzal, now an adviser to the Welsh government, listing a number of violent crimes apparently being promoted by anti-Muslim hate groups in the UK.

Islamophobes are being encouraged to desecrate Qurans, spit in Muslims' faces - even to commit murder. Afzal said the letter was being investigated by police.

"Here we go again Punish a Muslim Day 2 The Sequel nobody wanted July 24th 2018 Police aware & investigation being pursued - this time source will be identified," he wrote on Twitter.

The first letter made the rounds in March, also promoting the assault and murder of Muslims, with "points" attributed to each crime.

The new letter begins by thanking the participants - or those who "thought about" participating - in the first "Punish a Muslim Day" on April 3.

The letter highlights the lack of notable incidents on the first attempt and blames the media for not sufficiently encouraging the hate-fest.

"Your commitment was deliberately ignored by the media, but the seed has been planted, and y'all know how big things can grow from the small."

Would you like to teach them a lesson they will never forget, and feel good in the process?
- Islamophobic leaflet inciting violence

The letter reads: "Would you like to teach them a lesson they will never forget, and feel good in the process?"

There are notable differences, however, between the current letter - which has not yet been verified - and the first which was sent to mosques across the UK.

The first letter awarded "points" to various crimes in some kind of fantasy competition, with blowing up a mosque securing 1,000 points, while the second asks people to donate to charity.

"Just choose from the list of punishments below, pop into a charity shop on your local High Street or online, and donate the amount indicated. Then have fun carrying out the act. It's that simple!"

It is not clear whether the letter is an actual threat or a parody of the first event, and social media users have widely ridiculed the letter.

One demand was a call for the assassination of a Muslim politician, actor, comedian, cafe owner or other leading figure and "display the head on a pole".

Muslim commentators hit back in style.

"Also 'Muslim politician' and 'cafe owner' are both seen as 'leading figures'. I hope Abdul, who runs my local, has a similar security detail to Sadiq Khan," tweeted Shehab Khan.

The first "Punish a Muslim Day" sparked fears of violence against Muslims, with many people who visibly display their faith staying at home and a number of Gulf embassies in London telling their nationals to remain vigilant.

Anti-racism protests were held in solidarity with Muslims, while police investigated.

"At this time there is no credible information to suggest there is any criminal activity that will take place. We will be encouraging local faith and community networks to take part in a '#WeStandTogether' campaign," London's Metropolitan Police said of April's incitement.