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Timeline: Seven years of deadlock in Yemen

Timeline: Seven years of deadlock and havoc in Yemen
1 min read
03 March, 2018
Yemen has entered its eighth year of stalemate and chaos. Here is a reflection on the series of events since 2011 would explain what happened and when.
Yemen enters its eighth year of stalemate and chaos [Getty]
Yemen has entered its eighth year of stalemate and chaos. In February of 2011, the country was engulfed by popular protests nationwide, calling for the regime change. The regime could not stand amidst a year of relentless protests and camping in the squares. 

The country's late former president Ali Saleh officially stepped down in 2012, but Yemen remained awash with troubles. The unexpected events have been occurring ceaselessly and the future of the country seems set for further radical developments.

Pondering over the last seven years in Yemen, numerous fundamental changes cannot be forgotten. These events began with the peace protests, developing into a tumultuous situation and then fierce civil strife.

While the status quo remains messy today, a reflection on the series of events since 2011 would explain what happened and when: