What British Twitter thinks of Britain First

What British Twitter thinks of Britain First, Donald Trump's new favourite internet thing
1 min read

The New Arab

29 November, 2017
BF is an Islamophobic, race-baiting, neo-fascist, ultranationalist fringe group of far-right extremists. No wonder Donald Trump likes them.
The president of the United States has spent his morning sympathising with far-right British Islamophobes
After President Donald Trump retweeted posts from Jayda Fransen, the deputy leader of a far-right fringe group recently charged with using "threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour", British Twitter understandably went into meltdown.

Here are some highlights:

Brendan Cox, the widower of Jo Cox, the MP who was murdered by a gunman who allegedly shouted "Britain first" as he killed her, said the president "should be ashamed of himself".

Even Paul Joseph Watson, the oft-derided far-right conspiracy theorist UK Alex Jones surrogate, thought retweeting neo-fascsts wasn't a good look for the leader of the free world:

Of course, one Brit in particular was very excited...

Note she ends her tweet with "OCS" - neo-fascist shorthand for "Onward, Christian Soldiers".

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