Book Club

What does the 1860 Damascus massacre teach us about coexistence?
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Book Club: Eugene Rogan's The Damascus Events charts a gruesome moment in the city's history as interfaith tensions fell from knife edge to massacre.
Veiled threat: The targeted assault of visibly British Muslim women
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Book Club: Nadeine Asbali's Veiled Threat wonders why British society won't leave Muslim women alone, and how supporting Palestine is now tied to extremism.
Waiting To Be Arrested At Night: A Ugyhur poet's paranoid testimony
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Book Club: Uyghur poet Tahir Hamut Izgil describes life under China's surveillance in Xinjiang, fearing arrest & longing for a life free from persecution.
Egyptian Earth: Reviving a modern classic of Egyptian literature
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Book Club: Translated into English for the first time, al-Sharqawi's masterpiece depicts an Egyptian village community's struggle against class oppression.
Ramadan reading list: 20 must-read books from Muslim authors
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Book Club: Connect with loved ones this Ramadan through these 20 books by Muslim authors. Find books for all ages, from children's novels to non-fiction.
Palestine books for children
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Celebrate World Book Day with The New Arab's list of children's stories about Palestine to learn more about Palestinian history, memories and culture.
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Book Club: Author Louis Brehony discusses the impact of oral history in Palestinian music, anti-colonial mobilisation and nostalgia in terms of exile and song.
My Friends Book cover
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Book Club: Hisham Matar's My Friends is a story of three friends living in political exile, their encounters and how community provides emotional nourishment.
Gaza Writes Back: Refaat Alareer passes torch to Gazan youth
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Book Club: Edited by Refaat Alareer, 'Gaza Writes Back' is a 2014 collection of powerful short stories offering timely insights into the lives of Gazans.
African Book Festival: Palestine, colonialism, and humanity
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Book Club: Gaza and the Palestinian cause dominates discussions in Marrakech, whilst raising questions about the forgotten legacy of colonialism in Africa.