Pope unveils nativity scene with baby Jesus wrapped in Palestinian keffiyeh

In a ceremony held at the Vatican, Pope Francis presented the annual nativity scene, which features baby Jesus dawned in a Palestinian keffiyeh.
2 min read
08 December, 2024
Pope Francis has been vocal about Israel's current war on Gaza and has called for an end to the onslaught [GETTY]

Pope Francis unveiled the annual nativity scene at the Vatican on Saturday, which this year featured baby Jesus dressed in a Palestinian keffiyeh.

The scene, crafted by Palestinian artists from Bethlehem, features a Bethlehem Star with the Latin and Arabic inscription: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill to all people." It also includes figures of the Holy Family carved from olive wood.

The keffiyeh is a traditional head and face covering worn by many around the Middle East. The Palestinian keffiyeh is seen as a national symbol and is emblematic of the struggle against Israeli occupation.

The nativity scene was organised with the Palestinian Presidential Committee for Church Affairs, the Palestinian Embassy to the Vatican, and Dar Al-Kalima University in collaboration with the Beitcharilo Center.

Pope Francis was also joined by Ramzi Khouri, a member of the Palestine Liberation Organisation Executive Committee and head of the Palestinian Presidential Committee for Church Affairs.

The Pope also presented two Palestinian children, who were representing the committee, with a Bethlehem star, which is seen as a reminder of the plight Palestinian children are currently facing.

After the nativity was shown, a mass for peace and a ceasefire in Palestine was held at the Angeli Chapel. It was led by Ibrahim Faltas, Deputy Custodian of the Holy Land, alongside Father Ibrahim Shomali and Monsignor Marco.

Pope Francis has been vocal about Israel's current war on Gaza and has called for an end to the onslaught.

"Enough wars, enough violence! Did you know that one of the most profitable industries here is weapons manufacturing? Profit from killing. Enough wars!" he said at the event.

"As our eyes fill with tears, we lift up our prayers for peace, that peace may reign over the entire world, and for all people whom God loves."

Pope recently became a target of pro-Israel figures after calling for an investigation into whether Israel's war on Gaza amounts to genocide. He also decried the deaths of children in the Palestinian territory and Israel's attacks on a Gaza church.