Osama bin Laden's niece endorses Donald Trump ahead of US elections

Noor bin Ladin, the niece of slain terrorist Osama bin Laden, endorsed US President Donald Trump in the lead up to the November 3 elections.
2 min read
06 September, 2020
The niece of the slain terrorist has supported Trump since 2015 [Twitter]
The niece of slain terrorist Osama bin Laden has thrown her weight behind US President Donald Trump in the run up to the November elections.

Noor bin Ladin, who was born in Switzerland where she currently lives, said she has been a supporter Trump since the start of his race to the White House in 2015, despite his administration's controversial policies.

"I have been a supporter of President Trump since he announced he was running in the early days in 2015. I have watched from afar and I admire this man’s resolve," she told the New York Post in her first interview with the media.

"He must be reelected… It's vital for the future of not only America, but western civilisation as a whole."

Bin Ladin, the daughter of Yeslam bin Ladin (one of the older half-brothers to the slain Osama) went as far as claiming another '9/11 style attack' could be around the corner in the case of a win by Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden.

"ISIS proliferated under the Obama/Biden administration, leading to them coming to Europe. Trump has shown he protects America and us by extension from foreign threats by obliterating terrorists at the root and before they get a chance to strike," the 33-year-old said.

"You look at all the terrorist attacks that have happened in Europe over the past 19 years. They have completely shaken us to the core … [Radical Islam] has completely infiltrated our society," she added. 

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"In the US it's very worrying that the left has aligned itself completely with the people who share that ideology," she claimed, without delving deeper into the allegations.

Bin Ladin also took aim at US Minnesota Democrat Ilhan Omar who she said "actively hates" America - echoing damning claims by Trump against the Muslim official.

The comments come as Biden is currently polling ahead of rival Trump ahead of the vote on 3 November.

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