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Umud Shokri

Umud Shokri

Umud Shokri is a Washington-based senior foreign policy and energy geopolitics advisor and author of 'US Energy Diplomacy in the Caspian Sea Basin: Changing Trends Since 2001


What will happen in Middle East energy markets in 2019? What affect will any price rise/fall have on ordinary people and on regimes?

19 February, 2019

Analysis: Sanctions against Iran provides the US with a sizeable number of consumers in need of alternative suppliers, perfectly placing it ready to pick up the slack.

27 December, 2018

Analysis: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa all offer potential markets for Iranian oil, but all will be wary of US retaliation, notes Omid Shokri Kalehsar.

19 December, 2018

Probing cooperation in the Caspian Sea, Iran and Azerbaijan face huge obstacles, not least in the form of the US sanctions regime.

16 November, 2018

While decimating Iran's capacity to produce and export energy resources, the United States is raising its own production to fill a lucrative gap in the market

09 November, 2018

Comment: Shared resources can lead to warmer geopolitical relations, but US sanctions on Iran will likely hit hard, writes Omid Shokri Kalehsar.

19 October, 2018